
While it is true that our faith in Christ is a personal relationship, it was never intended to be a private faith. We serve a communal God. The Triune God has eternally existed in perfect community within himself. So it should come as no surprise that people were created for community. The church is more than a building. The church is the people of God living life together. The Bible compares the church to a body made up of many parts (1 Corinthians 12:12-30). Each part, though different, is needed for the body to grow in the Lord.  We are better together, contributing to one another for the good of the other and the glory of God. We would love for you to connect with  one of our community groups below.

Our Community Groups

Community Groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. Below is a list of Sojourn's Community Groups. Please feel free to contact any of them if you have any questions.


    Evan & Elise Cline


    We meet Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm and are open to anyone joining us. We will have a meal together from 6-7, and then have worship, discuss a book of Bible, and pray until around 8.

    Contact: 816-273-3068

  • Sunday School

    Each Sunday morning before service, Ron leads a Sunday school class at 9 am in the classroom behind the sanctuary.  We discuss books of the Bible or use another Scripture based resource to help us apply the truth to our lives.